
FRTB Definitions and Taxonomy – Quick Review

Business Strategy:
A document, submitted by a Head Trader and sequentially approved by bank management and national supervisor, which describes by business strategy and oversight framework for a given RTD
Default Risk Charge:
A FRTB-prescribed capital add-on under both the IMA and SA frameworks, to account for the potential JTD risk within a given risk factor
Independent Risk Transfer Desk (IRT):
An RTD with specific additional characteristics designed to facilitate the transfer of risk factors across the trading-banking book boundary when required and in a controlled fashion
Jump to Default (JTD):
A term used to describe the cliff impact on an instrument’s value when an obligor defaults. JTD is akin to default risk, but is distinct from migration or credit spread risk
Operating Sub-Desks (OSDs):
A group of traders or trading accounts operating under the direction and approved framework of a supervising RTD. OSDs do not require specific regulatory approval
Permissible Instruments:
Instrument types designated as approved for trading in specified RTDs as documented and approved in that RTD’s business strategy document
Regulatory Trading Desk (RTD):
A group of traders or trading accounts that implements a well- defined business strategy operating within a clear risk management structure and governed by a Head Trader. All RTDs must be approved by the national supervisor
Traders or Trading Accounts (TTA):
A group which comprises the RTD, overseen by a Head Trader